Monday, June 8, 2015

Creating A Simple MDX Query

To write a simple MDX query using the DWSimpleSales cube, make sure to first complete the following tasks in Visual Studio:

  1. Open the SSAS project called “MDXProgrammingDemo.
  2. Create the DWSimpleSales database using the SQL script provided in the solution folder.
  3. Open the SalesCubes Project properties dialog window and configure the server deployment setting as necessary.
  4. Open the Data Source file and configure the server impersonation settings as necessary.
  5. Deploy, Process, and Test/Browse the DWSimpleSales cube and resolve any errors.

Your Cube Structure should appear as follows once the tasks above have been completed:

Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and connect to the DWSimpleSales cube
Click on:         
> Windows (aka Start) button
> All Programs
> Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (or the version available on the computer used)
> SQL Server Management Studio (make sure to run the program as an administrator).

In the Connect to Server window:
> In the Server type box, select Analysis Services.
> In the Server name box, type the name of your Analysis Services server.
> In the Authentication box, select Windows Authentication.
> Click on Connect.

Once connected to Analysis Services:
> Find the DWSimpleSales cube in the list of Databases in Object Explorer (left side).
> Expand and explore the nodes and elements of the cube in Object Explorer.
In the toolbar:
> Click on either New Query, or the Analysis Services MDX Query button.

When the new query tab opens:
> Choose DWSimpleSales in the Cubes drop down menu if not already selected.
> Expand the Measures and dimensions on the Metadata tab to review their contents.
> Auto-hide the Object Explorer window.

To compose the MDX query, decide what information is needed from the cube while keeping in mind the MDX Basic Concepts (Note: There may be more considerations depending on the complexity of a query and/or its desired results):

Review this basic query's syntax and comments:                    
//MDX Example Query With Basic SELECT Statement Syntax
--The asterisk * is not required to retrieve all records
 { [Measures].[SalesDollars] /*<Attribute Set>*/ } ON COLUMNS,
--Axis 0; note Measures hierarchy
 { [DimProducts].[Product].[Prod1]  /*<Attribute Set>*/ } ON ROWS
--Axis 1; note Products hierarchy
FROM [DWSimpleSales] /*<Cube Name>*/               
WHERE ( [DimSalesDates].[SalesYear].&[2015] /*<Member>*/ );
--The WHERE clause is not required to narrow the query
--The semicolon ; is not required to end the statement
The query retrieves the total amount of sales so far for Product 1 during 2015.

To create this MDX query in SSMS:
  • It can be typed directly into the new MDX query window.
  • The drag-and-drop technique can be used to prevent typing errors. 
Since we are just learning, set up the MDX query structure to include the ON COLUMNS and ON ROWS syntax:
WHERE ( );
Remember using curly braces and parentheses, even with just one tuple, is makes for better organization, easier reading, and is good practice.

Since drag-and-drop is the easiest method and prevents typing errors, we will use that method for our first query.

Find the measure needed to create the query, which is SalesDollars.
  • Point the cursor at the SalesDollars attribute in the Measures list on the Metadata tab.
  • Click on, hold, and drag it to the line below the SELECT keyword in the query window between the curly braces before the ON COLUMNS keyword.
{ [Measures].[SalesDollars] } ON COLUMNS,
WHERE ( );
**Notice the required brackets are included using the drag-and-drop technique.

Find the product needed to create the query, which is Product 1.
  • Point the cursor at the Prod1 member in the DimProduct dimension hierarchy on the Metadata tab.
  • Click on, hold, and drag it to the line below the SELECT keyword in the query window between the curly braces before the ON ROWS keyword.
{[Measures].[SalesDollars] } ON COLUMNS,
{[DimProducts].[Product].&[1]} ON ROWS
WHERE ( );
**Notice only the Prod1 key appears. 

To be more user friendly,  type in "Prod" in front of the key.
{ [Measures].[SalesDollars] } ON COLUMNS,
{ [DimProducts].[Product].&[Prod1] } ON ROWS
WHERE ( );

Find the cube needed to create the query, which is DWSimpleSales.
  • Point the cursor at the DWSimpleSales cube on the Metadata tab.
  • Click on, hold, and drag it to the right of the FROM keyword in the query window.
{ [Measures].[SalesDollars] } ON COLUMNS,
{ [DimProducts].[Product].&[Prod1] } ON ROWS
FROM [DWSimpleSales]
WHERE ( );

Find the time period needed to create the query, which is 2015.
  • Point the cursor at the 2015 member in the SalesDates dimension hierarchy on the Metadata tab.
  • Click on, hold, and drag it to the right of the WHERE keyword between the parentheses in the query window.
{ [Measures].[SalesDollars] } ON COLUMNS,
{ [DimProducts].[Product].&[Prod1]} ON ROWS
FROM [DWSimpleSales]
WHERE ( [DimSalesDates].[SalesYear].&[2015] );

Since we created this query for the purposes of learning MDX, comment your newly created MDX query accordingly for all future users (and newbies):
//MDX Example Query With Basic SELECT Statement Syntax
--The asterisk * is not required to retrieve all records
{ [Measures].[SalesDollars] /*<Attribute Set>*/ } ON COLUMNS,
--Axis 0; note Measures hierarchy
{ [DimProducts].[Product].[Prod1]  /*<Attribute Set>*/ } ON ROWS
--Axis 1; note Products hierarchy
FROM [DWSimpleSales] /*<Cube Name>*/               
WHERE ( [DimSalesDates].[SalesYear].&[2015] /*<Member>*/ );
--The WHERE clause is not required to narrow the query
--The semicolon ; is not required to end the statement

Now you are ready to

There are three ways to do so. First, highlight the query. Then:
  • Click the Execute button in the toolbar.
  • Press the F5 key.
  • Right click the highlighted query, and choose Execute from the context menu.

Now review both the Results and Messages tabs in the Results pane, both of which give information about the query structure and result set:

You're done!

Now keep practicing....

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